


南京企友仓储设备有限公司--成立于2000年11月,公司从事输送设备及仓储货架的研制、生产及销售。经营规模不断扩大。 主要产品:自助火锅设备、回转火锅设备、自助火锅传送带、、仓储式轻型货架、中型货架、重型货架、搁楼货架、贯通货架、移动式货架、专用辅助设备及各类非标货架叉车、零件柜、文件柜、仓储笼、全电动堆高机、托盘、周转箱、耐高温周转箱、磁性材料卡、组立零件盒、背挂零件盒、手推液压油桶搬运车、电动取料机、工具柜、刀具柜、刀具车、工具车、皮带输送线、生产流水线,手推液压拖板车、垃圾桶、水桶等产品,不需焊接,可任意组合,具有负载强、组合自由、插接方便,移动灵活等时代特点,广泛应用于物流、机电、航空、电子、机械、超市、服装金融等行业,产品畅销全国各地。深受各界人士和用户的好评。 ---025-84826693/84816692 http://www.njqiyou.com 为您提供:自助火锅设备、回转火锅设备、自助火锅传送带、轻量型货架、中量型货架、重量型货架、搁楼式货架、贯通式货架、模具货架、滚轮式货架、悬臂式货架、移动式货架、叉车、零件柜、文件柜、仓储笼、全电动堆高机、托盘、周转箱、耐高温周转筐、磁性材料卡、组立零件盒、背挂零件盒、工作桌、手推液压油桶搬运车、电动取料机、工具柜、刀具柜、刀具车、工具车、皮带输送线、生产流水线,手推液压拖板车、垃圾桶、水桶等 Friends of the Nanjing level storage Equipment Co., Ltd. - was established in November 2000, the company engaged in the storage shelves of the development, production and sale. Operators have been expanding. The main products: Storage shelves light-, medium-sized shelves, heavy shelves, dormant floor, shelves, through the shelves, mobile shelves, and auxiliary equipment for all types of non-standard products such as shelves, without welding, can be arbitrary Portfolio, with strong load, the combination of freedom, plug convenient, flexible, and other mobile characteristics of the times, widely used in logistics, mechanical and electrical, aviation, electronic, mechanical, supermarkets, clothing and financial industries, products sell well all over the country. By the public and users of praise. ---025-84826693/84816692 For you: light-shelf, in the amount of shelf, the weight of the shelves, dormant floor, shelves, through shelves and shelves die, roller shelves, cantilevered shelves, mobile shelves , Forklifts, parts counter, filing cabinets, storage cage, the whole stack of high electric machines, trays, working me, working me high temperature, magnetic materials cards, boxes of parts group legislature, pushing hydraulic hand truck carrying oil drums, electric and Reclaimer , Tools, cabinets, tool cabinets, tool trucks, tools, trucks,



